Newton Physics

© Paul Marmet (1932-2005)

( Last checked 2024/12/27 - The estate of Paul Marmet )

  In the web pages below, we present explanations which are compatible with Newtonian and semi-classical physics.  We apply the principle of causality and avoid models requiring a probabilistic existence of matter and non-locality.  This differs from the current approach of modern physics.

A USB stick of the original website is available.

Index of Papers, Books and relevant links

1-   An Open Letter to the Scientific Community
  Published in New Scientist, May 22, 2004.

2-  Enlargement of the Earth's Shadow on the Moon: An Optical Illusion
  "Crater timing" has been used during lunar eclipses to determine the size of the Earth's shadow.  It is generally believed that the Earth's atmosphere is responsible for an apparent enlargement.  However, refraction by the Earth atmosphere would make a much smaller shadow on the moon.  It is shown that this is an optical illusion.  It has been  reproduced in a laboratory and observed by several independent observers.

3-   A New Non-Doppler Redshift
  Semi-classical physics can explain a slightly inelastic collision of photons due to traces of hydrogen in outer space.  These inelastic collisions are responsible for an observed redshift which is undistinguishable from the cosmological redshift.  Numerous observations give strong supporting evidence for that previously ignored natural phenomenon.

4-   Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death
  More and more astronomical evidence points to inconsistencies in the Big Bang theory.  A canadian physicist presents this evidence and explains how the cosmic redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not by the Doppler effect.

5-   The Origin of the 3 K Radiation
  It is shown that the 3 K radiation received from outer space is simply the natural Planck radiation emitted by the well known dust and gaseous interstellar gases at 3 K.

6-   Non-Doppler Redshift of Some Galactic Objects
  Redshift observations reported in several galactic objects like binary stars, star clusters, and the K effect are compared with the predicted non-Doppler redshift caused by the inelastic transmission of photons in rarefied interstellar gases (due to the mechanism explained above in paper 3).  It is found that the observations are compatible with the predicted redshift caused by a gas around and between stars.  This mechanism has important consequences in cosmology.

7-   Redshift of Spectral lines in the Sun's Chromosphere
  A center-to-limb variation of solar wavelengths has been known for 75 years but has remained unexplained until now.  A theory considered in this paper can explain this variation and also predict its amplitude without the need of any adjustable parameter.

8-   Cosmic Matter and the Nonexpanding Universe
  An increasingly large number of recent observations consistently reveals the existence of a much larger amount of intergalactic matter than known a few years ago.  That intergalactic gas appears to be responsible for the observed redshift.  This result lead to a nonexpanding cosmological universe.

9-   The 3 K Microwave Background and Olbers' Paradox
  Olbers' paradox has a clear solution when we realize that the interstellar matter (dust and gases) is at 3 K.  If our eyes could detect that 3 K radiation, the night sky will then be quite bright.  There is no paradox when we observe the sky at the correct wavelength.

10-  The Cosmological Constant and the Redshift of Quasars
  We explain the reason why quasars appear to be unusual objects with large redshifts while being physically much closer to us than usually claimed.  We explain why the redshift compatible with the luminosity distance relationship observed in galaxies is not observed in quasars.

11-  New Study of the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
  A previous analysis of radio Doppler and ranging data from distant Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts indicated an apparent anomalous gravitational acceleration.  Several hypotheses involving new physics have been proposed.  We propose here that the additional acceleration in the direction of the Sun is due to the presence of dust in the Kuiper belt.

12-  Quantum Mechanics and its Paradox: A Realistic Solution to Mermin's EPR Apparatus
  A gedanken experiment by Mermin claims the impossibility of giving a realistic interpretation to his experiment.  This paper gives a description of how Mermin's enigma can be solved classically.  (Note: After publication of this paper, an experiment was performed with a detection efficiency near unity, thus eliminating the 'detection efficiency' loophole.  This paper no longer offers a realistic solution to violations of Bell's inequality.
  See: M.A. Rowe et al., "Experimental violation of a Bell's Inequality with efficient detection", Nature 409, p. 791, 2001.  The estate of Paul Marmet)

13-  International Meeting "Galileo", Bologna, 1999
  Photos taken during the meeting.

14-  Einstein's Theory of Relativity versus Classical Mechanics    (A hard copy of this book is available.)
  This book demonstrates that using classical physics and Galilean coordinates, one can derive the observed phenomena attributed to relativity.Einstein's Relativity.

15-  Fundamental Nature of Relativistic Mass and Magnetic Fields
  Einstein's does not give any physical model explaining the fundamental nature of the increase of mass at relativistic velocities.  We demonstrate that for the electron, this is due to magnetic energy increase as calculated by the Biot-Savart equation.  In fact, we can calculate the relativistic parameter g, using electromagnetic theory.  This leads to a physical description of the  internal structure of the electron compatible with the de Broglie equation.  We conclude with a realistic description of photons which solves the wave-particle paradox.

16-  The GPS and the Constant Velocity of Light
  When we move away at the speed v from a source emitting light at the speed c, the relative motion is detectable using the Doppler effect.  How can we explain logically that these photons appear to reach us at velocity c and not (c-v)?  A rational explanation is given in this paper using Newtonian physics.

17-  A Detailed Classical Description of the Advance of the Perihelion of Mercury
  Gives a detailed and complete demonstration of an equation for the advance of the perihelion of Mercury, which is identical to Einstein's equation.  This is based on Newton's physics as explained in the book "Einstein's Theory of Relativity versus Classical Mechanics".  Classical physics provides a very simple explanation for the advance of the perihelion of Mercury.

18-  Natural Length Contraction Mechanism Due to Kinetic Energy.
  This paper gives a realistic description of the physical mechanism responsible for length contraction and the change of clock rate when masses move at high velocities.  This description is a natural consequence of the principle of mass-energy conservation and classical mechanics without the esoteric principles of Einstein's relativity.

19-  Natural Physical Length Contraction Due to Gravity
  This paper demonstrates how quantum mechanics solves all the problems previously attributed to relativity, when atoms acquire gravitational energy.  Using mass-energy conservation, this paper presents the fundamental explanation of  the "Advance of the Perihelion of Mercury" and the "Pound and Rebka" experiment.

20-  Opinion
  Opinion on cosmology. By Arturo Sangalli.

21-  USB stick containing all the pages of the original Newton Physics website
  About 75 HTML pages.

Read Copyright notice

A USB Flash Drive containing all the pages of the original website (about 75 HTML pages) is available.

Link to information about the author

Paul Marmet (1932-2005)
B. Sc., Ph. D. (Physics), Laval University
O. C. (Order of Canada)
F. R. S. C.
Author of more than 100 papers in the field of Electron Spectroscopy.
Professor, Physics, Laval University, Québec, Canada: 1962-83,
Senior Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada: 1983-90,
Visiting, Adjunct, Professor, University of Ottawa, 1990-99.